Mark Keifer pedophile

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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by only1mikey »

For a bunch of grown men on a drama free forum I am truly and quite disappointed with some of these responses.

Having said that, I don't have a dog in this fight, BUT can anyone access/show public records proving he plead guilty or is his conviction still pending?

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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by hobbyturnedobsession »

I have yet to say anything foul until it was pushed too far. I have yet to pass judgement as THE COURTS HAVE YET TO PASS JUDGEMENT. Id say it in any other language but dont know any. Im sick of hearing people talk dirty. I have my opinions why this started and am pretty sure im dead on. Leave. Be gone. Vamoose.
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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by tvoymang »

How about you contribute something useful other than down talking ME and telling me to leave? Instead of acting like a cornered animal, PROVE ME WRONG!
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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by hobbyturnedobsession »

You cant prove someone different after their mind is made up. Its quite sad actually. unfortunately some as yourself see only one side and not something on the other. Hes not been proven guilty which means hes still innocent but you wont listen to that. Hes not in jail but hey you wont look at that either. All you care about is one thing and never thought to look at the entire picture. Narrow minded people are what destroy everything.
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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by Silverslk »

Am I the only one who see's no point to this thread any longer? The information is out there. Guilty, not guilty, innocent..... whatever...... I know GFB doesn't like to delete threads but since this is here.... can it be locked now? 5 pages of same BS back and forth and I don't come here for DRAMA. I have enough at home. haha
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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by tvoymang »

I could agree with this thread being locked, but not deleted. I think that the information that needed to be conveyed has been and should be available for review should someone feel so inclined. I'd even be a supporter of the removal of the pointless bickering and just leaving the factual information.
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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by bajascott »

My apologies for the f-bomb I tried to edit after I post was in reference to the Craigslist thing. I'm not defending anything but the website. It's not my place cast judgement on anyone's personal life,convictions,or alleged crimes. I'm just a guy that's fed up with reading all of this b.s. (my fault I know) i hope this thread gets shut down..
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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by hobbyturnedobsession »

I agree.
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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by ChaseTruck754 »

tvoymang wrote:I cannot speak for the OP as far as reasoning for the original post, but I know where I stand - and the reasons for which i stand there.
Last night when this thread started I decided to avoid entering this topic and just sit back and watch to see where it would go & what revelations may come out of it. This thing was on the 1st page when I left the computer. I was surprised to come back 4 pages of crap.
I'm now entering my $.02 based on the above snippit and a couple pages of major mud slinging at GFB heads (my friends) from some new-ish members with an agenda it seems.

1st - you seriously cannot speak for whom I believe is your HUSBAND? The OP???? Ok, he may not be husband, but if not then boyfriend, live in lover or whatever. I've only met him once briefly & never met you, but based on being around internet desert forums since the days of yor I've seen you guys around & can see your obvious connection.
Based on these forums, etc. I have my own opinion on your/your husband and actions/interactions with members, etc. This thread has fed a bunch into that opinion for sure. That is MY oinion though and I will keep it out of this thread, as I'm not here to pull drama in like many other sites have. Like others have said this has been a place to escape the normal BS like that & also the typical bro tools that reside in many places like DR.

The drama has been injected though and I've now placed myself within it so I'll add my thought on the topic at hand.

I've repped Mark's company due to the help he's given me & those I consider my friends in the past, as he's been one to go out of his way to to so if at all possible. I thought that he never seemed to be able to get his stuff together for a website, just had a FB page so why not add a sig & try & help out. I didn't know Robert was running it. My thought was he was helping Mark post pics & get internet type marketing together.
My sig also partially came from watching others (mostly 1) he had done nice work for completely drop the ball on giving credit where credit was due and rather repping other shops in their sig as an apparent slight at Mark. Not agreeing with the above I figured I'd put a couple names up for guys who've been nice enough to help me with fab questions since I don't pay people to fab for me to give them some love on the forum too.

I haven't met Mark personally and have only talked with him about fabrication/trucks, but many I know have dealt with him & have spoken highly of him. My opinion was/is formed on my personal experience with him (like I would think anyone's opinion of anything should be).
Now that is has come up (Wills post the other day made me break out the google) I'm quietly pondering to myself what the real answer is.
As has been pointed out in many of the previous posts - this is America so people are innocent until proven otherwise. As also has been pointed out there seems to be evidence of a case behind him. What we don't know was the guilty plea referenced in the paper printed wrong, was it a bargain type deal - who knows?
This thing/case doesn't done though so I'll reserve my final judgment for what comes out of it. Until then my past experience will be weighed in with the newly seen info researched to form my opinion - which will be kept as mine vs. blasted all over an off road site trying to stir up crap.

As was just posted in recent posts - this thread has seemed to loose it's point/direction & turn into a pissing match, insult throwing deal.

I agree with the lock it, but leave it open. Let all read what they want & form their opinions based on the info here & their own experiences.
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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by Dirt Yota »

Wow. Where should I begin?

This is my first post with GFB and some of you might recognize my screen name from other sites in the off road community.

I dont know where to even start with all this so I will just jump into the middle here and give a little insite to what some of you people clearly don't understand.

Little back story: I met Mark @ Autozone in Ramona around late 2007, by mere chance. I happen to have bought a new to me "pre-runner" and he said explained that he built these type of trucks/broncos/pre-runners for a living. We agreed that my truck should have a cage, so we set a date to start cage work. Brought it to him in early summer of 2008 which is when I met his at the time pregnant wife and two parents. Great stand up people if I do say so myself.

Over the course of the next two years we went to all the MDR races together.... stayed up late putting in transmissions on race day just to make the race, rebuilt shocks/motors/rear ends, helping where we could when he needed it. With this amount of time helping each other out racing you really get a good idea of who people are and what their intentions are. To me he is a very stand up guy, helps you out even when you dont think you need it.

Fast forward to the day where I hear all this bullshit going down and the reason behind this thread. I felt torn. Was it true? How could he do this? Lots of questions were racing through my head and all I could think to do was to call him and find out. He was locked up that day for his alleged actions so I called up his wife and we talked for a good while. Bottom line is that he is innocent until proven guilty. That was a HUGE load off my mind because by this time I've started to consider him an actual true friend.

Since that day he has had his share of good/bad days. We (My Fiancee and I) try to have diner with them once a month and just hang out and talk about trucks/cars/boats or whatever else is of the topic. Believe me when I say that threads like this really take a toll on someone that even if guilty and pleads guilty it's like you guys are wanting his head on a platter for what he allegedly did, and IMHO I believe that people can say sorry and move on and start fresh again. Did he walk into a movie theater and shoot up the place? Did he walk into an elementary school and kill innocent children? No.

You guys really need to get your facts straight before you put someone on full blast. The media's info is not 100% correct and should be taken with a grain of salt. Think of how this kind of attention will affect his kids metal state when they reach middle/high school and start getting picked on for something they didn't even have any involvement in. Threads like this will resurface from time to time and people love to jump on the bandwagon and point fingers with little to no knowledge. So for all you witch hunters that decided that he needs to burn at the stake before a trial, you can pound sand.

I don't care if this thread/post gets deleted, atleast some of you will read this and if you would like to talk to me in private please PM me and I will gladly discuss any concerns with you.

Oh and why dont you ask yourself why he hasn't been sentenced yet? He is the defendant correct? Usually in a court case the plaintiff has all the info on THE FIRST TRAIL date and throws the book at the defendant to be locked away. Well Guess what? The PLAINTIFF has pushed the court ruling back 3 times.... That's odd... I wonder why? So again all you witch hunters can pound sand.
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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by only1mikey »

Damn some good thoughtful posts after the initial mud slinging. With that said, I agree with chasetrucks, keep this info out in the open. I don't think anyone wants Mark's head on a silver platter, I just think some people believe serious stuff like this should be known aka out in the open for people who are in the dark to see.

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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by tvoymang »

Appreciate your post and your opinion.

One thing though... are you honestly trying to blame the reprocussions of this on those who find it unacceptable? The fault lies solely in the hands of the alleged offender and any waves thereafter should be treated as such. How can you honestly point fingers, and attempt to call me a witch hunter, faulting ME for the "mental state" of his children when this stuff eventually surfaces? Are you for real? I respect that you stand behind his innocence and remain his friend. There is no witch hunting to be had. The only people that are making it to be that way are those in the defending corner. It is merely a search for an answer and justification, and until that is proven otherwise, my opinion, just as yours, will remain. My only hope is that truth prevails and any other subsequent information is not something that is kept wrapped up.
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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by economig »

Listening to your guys' assessment of this incident is like listening to waitresses argue about neurosurgery.

Federal arrest, probation and court records are not the same type of public access as local arrest records at a county and state level. You can't go on San Diego's "Who's in Jail" website and look it up. I would never abuse my official capacity to research this, which is why i have not. i do not have an official reason to make inquiry. if i did, local and state law enforcement only share one records management system with the feds and it does not cross-reference federal indictments or case status. It is not higher or lower, it is just a different system entirely.

Do some follow-up with the local papers if their reporting practices aren't thorough enough to satisfy a strong suspicion within you. I am certain the renewed curiosity would excite their interest in doing a follow-up article...

I will post on this topic because I believe it's the right thing to do. I will continue to do so until I don't feel like it any longer, this matter is resolved or I am banned from posting here. I'm not critiquing your build thread welds, organizing meets or acting like an Internet tough guy. I know how tough I am, I have nothing to prove here on that topic. Feel free to PM me rather than clutter this topic if you're going to just keep spouting unsupported info.

All we have done is support a VALID concern with outside media references that appear to have pretty substantial implications and substance. The only rebuttal thus far has been BLIND LOYALTY without evidence.

Mark can come on here and clear this up ***WITH SUPPORTED INFO*** as soon as he sees fit.

I hope it isn't true. But even if substantial info is obtained to refute this, there is already a LOT of suspicion aroused and a very delayed response.

In the meantime, pease continue to wow everyone with your expertise on the federal judicial process and related punitive measures...

Good day
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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by economig »

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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by greaslife »

Let me remind u. I have not or have never talked or met mark. I do not buy parts from him or any one else. I'm not trying to defend what he may or may not have done.

I'm purely basing my responses on the facts I have read and the only thing I found was in a local news paper. Does that make it true? Is it the full story? At this point the only one that knows is mark. But basing an opinion about a forum and the people involved with it is crap. Did you stop and think about his kids his family ? I think they have enuf too worry about and on top of it you come along and throw down on a group because of your opinion hiding behind your choice to bring this up again with "I'm only here too protect the people that donor know" come on

Don't think that was your place to do so or was it called for. Good job my friend see you in the dirt. That was not a threat I don't want too have my name slandered by the miss guided.
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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by tvoymang »

The way you're portraying this is like saying because some of the initial "Sandy Hook" reports weren't 100% correct that it completely disproves the entire incident. NO. Sandy Hook happened, children were killed. It is through media outlets that information is passed along and eventually taken as truth or proven to be false. It is 'the people's' place to keep a balance of power, and a balance of right and wrong. Freedom of speach is a right, as is your innocence until proven guilty. Not throwing down on any group, you guys are objectifying yourselves in that matter.
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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by tcm glx »

Urgh, trying to keep myself out of this drama.... but I guess I cant.....

Mark and I met several years ago when I bought my Bronco. Can not remember why, when, or how. Fast forward three or four years, and he has built a total of three Broncos (one which my brother totaled) for us. His quailty of work in the off road stuff is incredible. Great stuff, and many on here know that I was the first to send people his way. Just ask Michael, Chris, or Randy.... I told them candidly how much I liked the quality of his work. I also was the first to point out his faults... he isnt the most responsive guy (then again which fabbers are) and he certainly can miss a deadline here and again (who doesnt).

I also considered him a friend.... at minimum an acquiatiance. Fast forward to when this all went down. I got word directly from his wife when this all happened. Unfortunately, this happened the same week that my father passed away, so with all due respect, this was no where near the top of my list of priorities.

Now, since then, I dont really know what is true... there are accusations, he has plead guilty, not been charged... all of the links have been viewed, and candidly, I dont know what to think. Some people make avalid point, where there is smoke, there usually is fire. But that is not for me to decide.

In the interim, the facts are now out in the open.....

The GFB founders have created a place for us people to hang..... I hope that doesnt go away because like Brian said earlier, I have made some unbelieveable friends here. Does that mean I condone or support the accusation, no it doesn not. I have two little girls and certainly think that it isnt right....

In the meantime, he has to deal with this... and I am sure through the judicial system, this will all flush out.

Now, can I go back to using my RC.
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Re: Mark Keifer pedophile

Post by SteveG »

economig wrote:I will post on this topic because I believe it's the right thing to do. I will continue to do so until I don't feel like it any longer, this matter is resolved...
How exactly can this be resolved on GFB? (rhetorical question).

Everyone has said their piece. I don't see what good can come from letting this continue.
Sho nuff,