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lowrance5m vs 5m Baja ?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:10 am
by Seabass
Hey guys anyone on here running either the 5m or the 5m baja ? I can't find a description online stating how they're different. I may be buying a 5m tonight. Anything I should know first?

Re: lowrance5m vs 5m Baja ?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:12 am
by 300
The Baja version is from PCI, correct? If so, they open them up and silicone the components so they don't break loose from the vibrations.

Re: lowrance5m vs 5m Baja ?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:19 am
by ChaseTruck754
I'd call PCI & ask their opinion if you plan to use it for the "normal, desert stuff." From what I have heard they 5m doesn't have all the capabilities of the "normal" units we use & isn't a great choice for "desert" use. That being said I haven't used one personally so I couldn't tell you the exact differences. I do know PCI was looking into these things & using them as a cheaper alternative to the "normal" units so give them a call & pick their brains a bit before dropping the coin.

Re: lowrance5m vs 5m Baja ?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:58 pm
by Seabass
Thanks for the advise Steve. I called em and they said they sell a ton of them and they're pretty much the same thing. I'll grab their topo map and an external antenna from them at the next race. I'll keep you guys posted on how well it works.

Re: lowrance5m vs 5m Baja ?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:10 pm
by ChaseTruck754
Good to know they're pretty much the same. Last I heard they were different.

There was also a "letter of the month" in OFF-ROAD mag a while back griping about how a guy bought one & wasn't happy with it - thinking it wasn't the same.

Re: lowrance5m vs 5m Baja ?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:38 am
by PaulW
If you have the article/letter can you sumarize the guys issues?
Thanks, PaulW
ChaseTruck754 wrote:Good to know they're pretty much the same. Last I heard they were different.

There was also a "letter of the month" in OFF-ROAD mag a while back griping about how a guy bought one & wasn't happy with it - thinking it wasn't the same.

Re: lowrance5m vs 5m Baja ?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:29 am
by ChaseTruck754
I'll have to dig through my old stack of mags when I have a minute. It was +/-6 months ago or so I think. I just remember reading & him saying something along the lines of it didn't do what he expected. If I get some time today I'll see if I can find it.

Re: lowrance5m vs 5m Baja ?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:14 pm
by robertcrav

Re: lowrance5m vs 5m Baja ?

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:07 am
by ChaseTruck754
Found it. September 2011 issue of OFF-ROAD magazine.

Unfortunately my scanner is down right now. I should be able to scan the thing on Monday

Re: lowrance5m vs 5m Baja ?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:32 am
by ChaseTruck754
Sanner back up in order & letter I spoke about is below - in the tan section at upper right.

Re: lowrance5m vs 5m Baja ?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:11 pm
by PaulW
ChaseTruck754 thanks for the scan.
The elite has issues. THe guy does not even know its real problems but quoted stuff that it has and he does not understand.
Back ground maps are not an issue and making trails with WP - not an issue.
The unit is meant to be a reduced content unit. Want custom maps buy MapCreate off the Internet and make your own maps.

To get up to speed read the following links. ... =elite+gps ... =elite+gps ... =elite+gps ... =elite+gps

BTW the may e hope for a full function unit forth coming from Lowrance??
They are well aware that there is a small market for what we all want. Price has to be higher due to the limited sales of these units.


Re: lowrance5m vs 5m Baja ?

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 10:31 am
by ChaseTruck754
I'm happy with my 7200 & Baja 540c used in conjunction with the turn by turn garmin. An all in one lowrance would be cool for sure, but most likely out of my budget unless I was lucky enough to pick one up used in a few years.