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Mint 400

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:08 am
by Phoenix0783
I went down the with Vest Racing team and their Trophy Truck. Testing went well on Wednesday and they didn't really change much. Qualified 23rd.

Right off the bat at the start of the race the transmission didn't have 3rd gear. Coming through Pit B on the first lap we have moved up to 19th physically, so we ended up not stopping for fear of making the transmission worse. 2nd gear was still good for 104mph, so with the lack of long high speed areas it wasn't too bad.

We were still making up time at the start of the 2nd lap and the plan was made to run a used transmission from Pit A to Pit B in case it had to be changed. The crew from Pit A left after the truck went through their pit. When the truck was a couple of miles out they radioed in that they had "no brakes". The crew from Pit A was still not here at this point so we made a plan to check the brakes and drop the skid plate to look at the shifter linkage. They pulled in and we got to work. Front brakes turned out to be fine, but don't provide a lot of stopping power. Driver rear caliper brake line had come loose so we tightened it up and bled the system. The skid plate was dropped and it turned out to just be the linkage so we adjusted that and sent them on their way. That stop took six minutes, which when you consider we only had five people at that pit, is pretty good. The crew from Pit A showed up about 10 minutes after the truck left.

The crew from Pit A stayed around for the 3rd lap because they we planning on coming over anyways to help fuel and change tires. Truck came in running great and we put the lights on, fueled it and ended up not having to change tires.

At the start of the 4th lap after Pit A the truck threw an oil pump belt, which took them about 10 minutes to fix on the course. This lap through Pit B was for visual only. We ran all four laps on the same four tires. Those new bfg tires really are awesome. Result was 6th in TT and 8th overall.

Qualifying was an absolute mess parking wise.

I got to drive their old pro truck through tech

Pit B

There was a nice little 3 way drag race coming into Pit B between Pastrana, Menzies and the 7200 of the God is Awesome team. The 7200 was hanging right with them until just before the stop sign when she slowed down and let them by. Pastrana ended up ahead.

Placement of the stop sign at Pit B was absolutely horrible. Dust surrounded it all day and multiple people had issues. One truck got caught in the dust and hit the stop sign next to the flagger and his car at about 60 with the brakes locked up. Totally his fault though because he should have seen a 90 right hand corner coming up on the gps. The guy driving the water truck was retarded stopping right next to the course before the stop sign. A couple vehicles almost ran into him while he was hidden in the dust. One of them had to drive out into the sage brush.